Nepal Policy Institute (NPI) is pleased to announce its latest policy research project on “Managing conflict of interest in the executive branch of the federal government.” The project is funded by GIZ and falls under Policy Research Theme 1: Public Governance, including federalism and decentralization functions.
The project aims to analyze the challenges in managing conflict of interest in the federal government’s executive branch and provide policy recommendations for improving transparency, accountability, and integrity. The research will cover various aspects such as legal frameworks, institutional mechanisms, ethical standards, and best practices from other countries.
The policy study’s topic is managing conflicts of interest in the federal executive branch of Nepal. The study aims to identify gaps and limitations in the existing legal and policy framework for managing conflicts of interest and propose suitable legal and policy reforms to address such issues more effectively. The study also seeks to provide evidence-based recommendations for advancing good governance and transparent public administration in Nepal by managing conflicts of interest.
The research questions of the study are:
What are the different conflicts of interest issues that arise in the federal executive branch of Nepal?
What are the existing laws and policies to address conflict of interest in Nepal, and what are their limitations? Are the current legal provisions adequate in light of the best practices and international standards?
What institutional arrangements and mechanisms are needed to manage conflicts of interest effectively, and what roles and responsibilities should different stakeholders uphold to minimize them?
What evidence-based recommendations can be provided for addressing the conflicts of interest in the federal executive branch to advance good governance and transparency in the country?
 The research objectives of the study are to explore the causes and implications of conflicts of interest in Nepal’s federal executive branch, identify gaps and limitations in the current legal and policy framework, propose reforms to address these gaps and limitations and provide evidence-based recommendations for managing conflicts of interest to advance good governance and transparency in Nepal.
The research methodology for this project involves conducting a situation analysis through a literature review, interviews with relevant stakeholders, organizing focus group discussions, and a policy workshop. The results will be encapsulated in a series of policy briefs, policy dialogue, and a podcast. The policy analysis will include a review of existing policies and interactions with experts and policymakers. Proper case documentation will be ensured, and recommendations for policy changes will be made to ensure effective policy uptake.
NPI is a non-partisan, independent research institute that focuses on evidence-based policy analysis and advocacy. The institute has a proven track record of producing high-quality research reports and engaging in policy dialogue with various stakeholders. NPI believes this research project will enhance good governance and strengthen democratic institutions in Nepal.