Category: Seminal Reports

2nd NPI Global Youth Policy Dialogue

On 15th March 2023, Nepal Policy Institute (NPI) hosted its second NPI Global Youth Policy Dialogue session on the topic of “Education Policies and Programs for Inclusion in Nepal”.


Political stance on Migrants voting in Nepal

Leaders from all major parties have strongly supported the implementation of granting voting rights to Nepali citizens living abroad. While there are still administrative, logistic, and legislative procedures to follow, leaders are confident that this can be implemented soon.


विदेशमा रहेका नेपालीलाई मताधिकार दिन राजनैतिक दलको प्रतिवद्धता

प्रमुख राजनैतिक दलहरुले विदेशमा रहेका नेपाली नागरीकले आफ्नो मताधिकार प्रयोग गर्न यथासिघ्र छिटो कानुन वनाउने पक्षमा प्रतिवद्धता दोहो¥याएका छन् । उनीहरुले आसान्न संसदीय चुनावभित्र निर्वाचन सम्वन्धी एकिकृत ऐन र नियमावली जारी गरी अर्को चुनावमा विदेशमा रहेका नेपालीले आफ्नो मताधिकार प्रयोग गर्न पाउने विश्वास राखेका छन् ।


विदेशमा रहेका नेपालीको मतधिकार गर्न सम्भब

नेपाल पोलिसी इन्स्टिटयुट (एनपिआई)द्धारा आइतवार आयोजित नीति संवाद श्रृखलामा सरोकारवालाहरुले प्रबिधिको प्रयोगबाट मताधिकार गर्न सम्भब रहेको वताए ।


Nepal Policy Institute’s Recommendation to Mobilize Ward Members from Across the Country for the Upcoming Census Exercise

Nepal Policy Institute (NPI), established with the active involvement of the diaspora Nepalis as an international think tank, on October 31 organized a virtual policy dialogue session on the upcoming census exercise. The objective of the dialogue session was to underline the importance of the census in policymaking processes, in specific, and development in general. It also served to highlight the need for quality and completeness of the census.


जनगणनाको प्रभाबकारिताको लागि देशैभरिका वार्ड सदस्यलाई १५ दिन गणकहरुसंग परिचालन गर्न सुझाब

डायेस्पोरा नेपाली हरुको सक्रियतामा स्थापित अन्तरास्ट्रिय थिंक ट्यांक नेपाल पोलिसि इन्ष्टिच्युट (एनपीआई) ले आसन्न नेपालको राष्ट्रिय जनगणनाबारे अक्टोबर ३१ तारिख आइतबार भर्चुअलमाध्यमबाट नीति संवाद आयोजना गर्यो ।


NPC-NPI Policy Dialogue Post-COVID-19

National Planning Commission (NPC) – Government of Nepal (GoN) and Nepal Policy Institute (NPI) held the first in the series ofNPI-NPC Policy Dialogue on May 20, 2020 via Zoom conference.
